Energy Balls Caught On Video In The US

The sensational images we present were recorded in October 2021 in the United States. Namely, in Condado Cook (Illinois) and in North Carolina. Where the external cameras of some houses have recorded the presence of SPHERES OF LIGHT (or spheres of energy), which are quietly flying around the local area. In this article, we look at the mysterious energy balls caught on camera in Illinois and North Carolina.

The recordings came to ufologists after reports from the residents themselves, who exposed the presence of mysterious light spheres. Flying at low altitude near houses captured by infrared cameras.

In a report presented by Mexican researcher Carlos Clemente on the first video that was recorded at Condado Cook in Illinois on October 14, 2021. You can see a spherical object that emits a powerful glow and energy field. Which can be observed around the flying sphere. The sphere of light coming from the left of the video flies over the lawn near the house at a low altitude and stops. As if intrigued by the observation of a small tricycle.

On another video recorded in North Carolina. We can observe a small sphere of light, definitely a few centimeters in diameter. Which is taken with an infrared camera. It runs a short distance from the front door of the house. The sphere of light appears to emit a slight reflection, giving the impression of doubling the same sphere. After passing in front of the house, the sphere of energy is directed towards a small house nearby. The sphere then dissolves into thin air, losing traces.


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