Huge Glowing Sphere Over Power Lines In China

On April 29, 2021, a huge glowing sphere was seen and filmed. Flying low over China. The video was recorded by a person who was in the balloon’s basket when he noticed the presence of the mysterious object. Flying over hilly terrain at low altitude.

The witness, as soon as he noticed the mysterious object, immediately activated the phone’s camera. Having fixed the flight a few meters above the self-luminous sphere. In fact, in the recording we are seeing a spherical object that slowly flies over the trees. A short distance from power poles, which can be a positive episode regarding any mentions in this video.

Other witnesses also report the anomalous behavior of this object. Who claim that these mysterious aircraft often fly near power pylons. On the video recorded by a witness on board the balloon, it is noticeable. How the UFO emits an energy source in the mid-high region of the spherical design.

UFO experts rule out that it could be a balloon or balloon. Since it does not have any characteristics like a conventional aircraft.


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