Over A Purported Tall, White Alien Base, Three Bright Ufos Were Spotted And Captured On Camera.

A curious video given to Scott Waring by an eyewitness, an aircraft passenger, was shared with followers of his blog by the well-known Taiwanese UFO researcher.


After taking out towards Las Vegas, the guy spotted three light objects between the mountains. These lights, according to an eyewitness, were around 15 to 20 miles west of the city.

Unfortunately, the brightness of these objects, which shone like enormous welding torches and whose light could be seen for tens of kilometers on a beautiful day, is not captured in the film.

Scott Waring is certain that there is a reason why UFOs are sighted here.

The area that Charles Hall identified as the Tall White Alien base is exactly this one. Aliens from the Tall White base range in height from 2-3 meters and can live up to 800 years before choosing to terminate their lives according to cultural traditions. The base is close to Area 51 and is ringed by a barbed wire fence since it is on Nellis AFB’s own protected area. I’ve never seen a Tall White Ship quite like this one! Fantastic catch that might not be seen again, according to Scott.

Nuclear physicist, former Military weather expert, and novelist Charles Hall asserted that the American Military had been in communication with an alien race for a long time.

The Vietnam veteran spoke from his home in Albuquerque and stated, “In 1964, while I was a weather observer at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, I saw exchanges between the Military and a group of very tall, white, human-like extraterrestrials.

They can move faster than the speed of light since Einstein’s theory of relativity was incorrect.

He said that US officials had kept everything concealed because the public wasn’t emotionally prepared to accept extraterrestrial existence.

A curious video given to Scott Waring by an eyewitness, an aircraft passenger, was shared with followers of his blog by the well-known Taiwanese UFO researcher. After taking out towards Las Vegas, the guy spotted three light objects between the mountains. These lights, according to an eyewitness, were around 15 to 20 miles west of…


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