Several UFO Videos Taken On Camera By Eyewitnesses

UFO from a secret base?


This video was posted on social media. It depicts a flying saucer taken from a helicopter over Antarctica, believed to have been taken in May 2021. Perhaps this is a UFO leaving some secret underwater base on the continent of Antarctica?

A daytime cigar subject taken near Lake Michigan on June 19, 2021.

Eyewitness Explanation: I came to the south-southwest near Lake Michigan. Eating hamburgers in a park near the Fisherman’s Bridge in Whitehall, Michigan. And I saw in the sky to the west an object moving from south to southwest. Watched until he disappeared. I saw this or that again, got out of the car and filmed it.

UFO seen again.

What is your opinion what it is?

An unidentified ring-shaped flying object hovered in the daytime sky over Sandwich, Massachusetts on Sunday, June 13, 2021.

Eyewitness Report: It was a beautiful day, so my wife and I sat on the back deck and enjoyed the clear sky. I know for sure that planes don’t fly there at all. But I noticed an object reflecting the sun. It didn’t move very fast, just hovering or hovering almost directly above us. It had no flight path and moved from left to right. It was visible for a moment, and then it seemed to disappear. Because it no longer reflected the sun.

I just bought a new zoom camera and I had it with me so I started shooting. I couldn’t see anything in the viewfinder because it was so bright. So I just kept shooting until I could see a bright object. I was able to zoom in and get a few seconds of crisp video. When I inserted the memory card into my iMac, I was able to see the subject much more clearly. It appears to be shaped like a donut with a hole in the center and a bright reflection of light from above. It was almost like a wedding ring.

This silver UFO was filmed over Hachioji in Tokyo, Japan around 3:30 pm on May 12, 2021.

This strange, unidentified hovering sphere was flying through the daytime sky over North Carolina on June 5, 2021.

Eyewitness Report: Working on our catamaran off the US East Coast on May 16, 2021. We noticed a strange glowing “spherical” object hovering above us. I recorded the object on my Galaxy S21 phone while shooting a video. On frames, details are not as clear as in the frame, but you can see a dark circle or spot in the center of the object. It seemed to rise above and fall below the clouds. In relatively the same place for several hours.

We have never seen a UFO before. So I checked on the internet and found similar UFO videos. Like “Radar confirms UFO swarm around Navy warship” and “New video raises more UFO questions ahead of Pentagon report.” Which mentions an increase in the “Unidentified Air Phenomenon” of sightings and encounters. And I believe the navy footage is very similar to the object we saw and recorded.

On the main photo:

On June 15, eyewitnesses observed a UFO hovering in the sky over the city of Tustin. Located in the US state of California. The object was observed for an hour, did not make any sounds, had bright blue lights along the two faces of the triangular body.


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