Aliens made a treaty with the president

Aliens made a treaty with the president

In the book by the father of UFO research in Spain, Antonio Rivera, “Las máquinas del cosmos”, published in 1983 by Planeta, he disclosed a piece of information that apparently did not attract attention at the time, but for the reason that The latest declassifications by US security and intelligence are of great importance.

Rivera mentions in his book that when he was in Mexico, invited by Pedro Ferriz Santa Cruz, his editor Guillermo Mendizábal, told him: “one day they talked about UFOs at a meeting attended by Miguel Alemán, former president of Mexico, and one of those present asked him:

—Mr. Graduate, what do you think about flying saucers?

—The only thing I can tell you, Alemán said, is that, while I was president, General (Dwight) Eisenhower was also president of the United States. And on a visit he made to Mexico, he confided to me, ‘from president to president’, that on a 1954 tour of the southwestern United States, he was shown a flying disc and the corpses of 16 of its crew members -small humanoids-, kept all of this under great military secrecy at an Air Force base.

A strong statement from a former president, from a person completely unrelated, apparently, to the subject of UFOs and aliens, so we cannot consider that it was a comment just to attract attention. Statements that at the time of follow-up are based on the treaty between the US government and the extraterrestrials of the Gray race.

It is claimed that Eisenhower took a vacation at the end of February 1954, at the ranch of his friend Paul Roy Helms, in Palm Springs, and paid a visit to the Muroc Air Force Base, better known as Edwards Base, where he would affirm that there are the remains of UFOs and bodies of non-human beings rescued from the impacts of strange objects that fell to Earth.

It is assured that on February 20 of that year, the president left that ranch without his security entourage, which would last all day, when it got dark and he did not return, the rumors referred to a fatal attack on his person ; the press secretary, James Haggerty, explained that the president had had to go to the dentist.

Extraterrestres pactaron tratado con presidente

It is worth mentioning that within the UFO casuistry and conspiracy theories it is stated that on the morning of February 21, 1954, Eisenhower participated in a meeting with supposed extraterrestrials with whom he signed a treaty, but it is stated that a race of Pleiadians with blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin would not have reached an agreement, which supposedly would have been taken advantage of by the Grays offering more favorable conditions that included Military Technology, non-interference in human affairs, and not approaching any other country.

On the US side, they were allowed to abduct human beings for medical research and experiments, as well as accommodation on Earth.

Aliens: New World Order

In the book “Mass Contact” by Italian professor Stefano Breccia, witness to one of the most incredible stories of extraterrestrial contact that happened in Pescara, Italy, where 150 people from various walks of life were in communication with an extraterrestrial civilization, that according to what he refers to, they were very similar to us; They arrived in our world in the mid 50’s and were here until the mid 70’s. Their objective was very clear and transparent: Create a new world order based on “love and friendship”. Breccia claimed that “they” inhabited underground bases in Pescara, with a length of 150 kilometers and a height of 300 meters, and even had their own atmosphere. Over time, they became known as the “Friendship Project”, amicizia in Italian.

Several people were taken to alien bases in UFOs and the characteristic of these individuals was that they had a high social and cultural level, but something that the researchers noticed is that during this time there were reports of many unidentified sightings in that country.

In Mass Contact it is stated that the “friendship” project had the purpose of changing the way of perceiving the relationship between men and civilizations outside our world and was presented in Russia, France, Germany, Austria, Chile and Argentina, from which is only known from Chile with the Friendship and in Mexico with the Intraoceanic.

A story in which aliens wanted to change the destiny of humanity, but they got fed up with the lack of commitment of the human being and simply disappeared.

Extraterrestres pactaron tratado con presidente


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