The UFOs of the Bible: Mysterious Aerial Events (Video)

The Bible is a text with many years of History where various supernatural powers are mentioned, supposedly coming from heaven, or from God. But what if that force wasn’t God and what if they were perhaps advanced extraterrestrial beings? There are several passages in the Bible that can lead us to think about this.

Throughout the Bible there are several Mysterious aerial events, for scholars this is undoubtedly the power of God, although scientists mention that it could be extraterrestrials in contact with humans at that time.

The UFOs in the Bible begin when Elijah comes into contact with a chariot of fire, perhaps it was a UFO and not a chariot of fire.

Elías knew that his life was in danger and that’s why I ask God to help him, when suddenly some chariots of fire surrounded him like our horses and in one of them he went up to heaven, maybe this is an alien abduction story.

Later with Moses in Exodus. Pharaoh allows Moses to carry out the Exodus, although he later repents and decides to go after the Egyptian Israelites, the Bible says that the water opened and let them pass and that later Moses with God’s help closed the water.

Now scientists believe that it could be a UFO that was flying over the water and that’s why it opened, as the water returned to its place.

Moses with his people wandered for 40 years where it is mentioned that a cloud in the sky guided and protected them, at night it illuminated them so that they could continue on their way. How did the Israelites manage to survive 40 years in the desert at 50 degree temperatures? Maybe some extraterrestrial beings provided them with everything they needed.

One night Jesus told Moses to wake up early and go up Mount Sinai, Jesus warned that all the people should stay away except Moses who went up the mountain, when he was there it filled with smoke and the cloud penetrated.

What if it wasn’t a cloud? and if it really was an alien spacecraft, maybe they wanted to show something to Moses and they put them up there. When he came down from the cloud or from the boat, Moses already had with him the 10 commandments that Jehovah gave Moses inside that cloud.

Another of the events in which UFOs can be mentioned in the Bible, occurs when in the New Testament, Jesus is transfigured: “His clothes became so dazzling white that there was no lime on earth that could whiten him any more, there Moses and Elijah appeared and started talking to Jesus.

How could they be there if Moses had been dead for centuries and Elijah had never died on earth since he was transported by the fiery chariot to heaven? Perhaps it was the same UFO from the transfiguration of Jesus that took Moses and Elijah to that place.

Now let’s go back to the old testament with the Israeli prophet Ezekiel who was a prophet and preached the message of hope and salvation, the Bible mentions that Ezekiel was kidnapped by a heavenly entity “when I looked there was a stormy north wind approaching, and a great cloud surrounded of brightness with a continual burning fire, and in the midst of the fire was the most resplendent bronze.

What did Ezequiel see? He believes he had an encounter with God, although experts now believe that what Ezequiel actually saw could be a UFO.

This is the most studied passage in the Bible and after so much study it is believed to be an alien spaceship “I saw a wheel on earth, as for the appearance of the wheel and its making it shines with the brightness of a crystalline light” Likewise, Ezekiel mentioned that they could go anywhere, like the alien ships of today, no matter how good people believe.

As for the appearance of their faces, each had the face of a man before him, all four had the face of a lion on the right side, all four had the face of an ox on the left side, and all four had the face of an eagle’s face on the other side. behind

What were these strange beings that Ezekiel describes? Could they be aliens?
We come to Angels, those beings who are quoted hundreds of times and who participate in the most significant events in the Bible, but what are angels? Some experts share the idea that angels and aliens are the same ‘thing’.

As the Bible mentions, Saint Peter, Patriarch of the Catholic Church, mentions that he was saved by an angel with powers.

The apostle Peter mentions that he was in a cell with his hands tied, when suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to him, he touched Peter and told him to get up quickly, the chains fell from his hands as if by magic and Peter got out of jail.

This Mysterious passage never mentions how the Angel manages to get into the cell, although if he had the same powers as the aliens it would be explained, as one would think he passed through the solid wall as otherworldly beings would. 🇧🇷

Usually angels give their messages in dreams that are supposed to be the same as the aliens, an angel tells Joseph that they want to kill Jesus and leave for Egypt.

Abraham is another of the biblical characters related to supposed angels, as they come to visit him in the form of three people who seem to be able to read his mind, announce to him that his wife is going to conceive something that neither he nor his wife Sarah believes, but when they leave, they realize that she is expecting Abraham’s child.

Most of these stories, which could be called stories of aliens in the Bible or UFOs in the Bible, have a lot to do with psychic powers.

Finally we have Sodom and Gomorrah, the Bible mentions that these cities were sinful and as they had no reconsideration they had to be exterminated, it is said that stones of fire began to rain on these cities, which ended these places and everything that was there . inhabited

Some scientists believe that Sodom and Gomorrah is true and more when it was said that perhaps the places where these cities used to be found.

But what fell from the sky? perhaps the aliens used nuclear power to wipe out these places that just didn’t serve them. And if they could do it now, why not?

The Vatican has already admitted the existence of these beings and mentioned that they should not be demonized, far from it. What if one day the existence of these beings was verified? what will happen to the bible?

Surely the meaning of this will change a lot, as many miracles could be sustained with the powers of extraterrestrials.


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