They affirm that Planet X Nibiru is a spaceship and was captured near the Sun

Planet X Nibiru has long attracted the interest of ufologists. The new theory from the researcher who adheres to conspiracy theories struck even those who are indifferent to the possible existence of intelligent life outside of Earth.

The man is convinced that Planet X Nibiru is an alien ship that can destroy humanity.

Scott Waring claims: he saw planet X Nibiru with his own eyes and is absolutely sure that this is not a planet, but a spaceship.

According to the man, he managed to see the ship near the Sun in the video, which was presented to the UFO community by Russian Alexey Sapozhnikov from the city of Snezhinsk.

The recording posted on the thematic YouTube channel shows the seemingly incredible energy power emitted by a UFO.

Waring is convinced: our source of light and heat does not only benefit us. Inside the star a mystical ship. The sun, the man says, is hollow inside, so the crew of the X-Planet Nibiru are there and they dock their ship. Using the inner space of the star as a kind of station.

Anunnaki: la civilizaciĆ³n extraterrestre creadora de la humanidad

They Travel quite often.
“I believe this giant spaceship is a legendary planet X, also known to the ancients as Nibiru. This is a spaceship the size of a planet that circles our solar system and only appears when it wants and where it wants, ”Waring writes in the portal UFO Sightings Daily.

In addition, the researcher is confident that the alien inhabitants of Planet X Nibiru periodically travel to our system. To intervene in the course of natural history. The unknown aliens are capable of what Earth scientists have been striving for for many years: a change in DNA.

– Legend says that the planet X Nibiru flies in orbit, which passes through the Earth every 15-20 thousand years. It is assumed that during this time they collect data on the evolution of human beings and all creatures on Earth. They analyze the data and make minor changes to the creatures’ DNA, even going so far as to cause global extinction. Yes, I mean dinosaurs, Waring terrifies.

However, Waring’s theory is hardly worth taking seriously. At the moment, even in the circles of the so-called nibirologov, everyone unanimously adheres to the version that Nibiru is a planet.

Planet X Nibiru the fact that experts were fascinated by this phenomenon around the world discovered the Mysterious phenomenon. The truth is that there is plenty of evidence for the theory of a spaceship


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