NASA Admits to being in contact with Aliens but forgot to mention it.

NASA’s first confessions about extraterrestrial reality?

NASA confirms contact with aliens

Trish Chamberson, an official NASA spokeswoman, has confirmed that extraterrestrial life exists, not only has she admitted it, but she has also confirmed that aliens have been visiting us for thousands of years and not only that, but they have been in contact us.

The revelation has been given in the talk of more than 2 hours, where he has explained what was previously said and that they also have the theory (almost confirmed) that they have been helping us for thousands and thousands of years in the construction of mega structures such as the Pyramids of giza and thousands of other buildings that portals like this have already explained.

Also at the meeting, he explained other issues that should be highlighted, such as mining in the solar system, where he has already assured that it exists on the dark side of the moon, mining on Jupiter will soon begin. He also confirmed that NASA is in contact with at least 4 Aliens from different Galaxies, it should also be noted that they are all friendly, although they are concerned about the nuclear weapons that affect and have already affected planet earth and the resources of our planet. Their only complaints as I have already explained before are the nuclear weapons that not only affect the planet earth but the parallel universes every time the nuclear weapons are used.

Although they are peaceful, they have brought in human beings to inspect them since they wanted to have information about us, they have also allowed us to analyze people of their species, hence the many images that circulate in the network of scientists inspecting these species.

In conclusion, dear readers, this is proof from a reliable source which already confirms extraterrestrial life, whoever does not want to open their eyes is already their problem.


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