Space colonization is a critical need

“Do not put all your eggs in one basket” (Eng. Do not put all your eggs in one basket), – says the English proverb, the meaning of which is that if you put all your eggs in one basket, then if you drop it, there is a great risk of losing everyone.
For this reason, it is recommended to arrange the eggs in several baskets, so that if one of them falls, you do not lose everything.

To date, all life we know of is a countless number of eggs that, by chance, ended up in a huge “basket” called Earth.

We are slowly floating through space-time, cutting ellipses around a boring star called the Sun, and many, many people are convinced that this will go on for an incredibly long time, probably even forever.

However, that’s not true:
At any moment, a solar storm can hit our Earth that, if it does not destroy our civilization, will set it back decades.⠀
At any moment, we can learn that a huge asteroid is moving in our direction, which has been overlooked by the best minds of humanity because its scientific program, which involves building the latest telescopes, was underfunded. A single 10 kilometer space rock hitting Earth would be capable of causing such damage that even a solar storm would seem like harmless Entertainment on the part of the parent star.⠀
And our own planet is the source of the most severe dangers: supervolcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, insect invasions, droughts, hurricanes and the awakening of ancient viruses as a result of global warming.

All this suggests that we are surrounded by global dangers that may cause the disappearance of earthly life.

Did you know that 99.9% of living things that once inhabited the Earth are already extinct? Humans are also at risk.

But we, unlike, for example, the dinosaurs, are capable of going beyond the Earth and settling on the Moon and Mars.

We have a real opportunity to arrange eggs in different baskets, which will significantly increase the chances of survival of our species.

The universe is extremely indifferent, we do not know about the existence of “brothers in mind”, we do not have a magic wand and a book of spells, so we have nowhere to wait for help, in case of an impending catastrophe.

The exploration of space and the search for new horizons is not Entertainment to satisfy curiosity, but the search for ways to save and preserve our civilization with our own hands.


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