The challenges to confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth

Illustrative image – public domain.

Despite evidence pointing to full disclosure that extraterrestrial life is present on Earth, “questionable data quality and a lack of shared research standards” continue to plague the scientific community as it consolidates research. about the UFO phenomenon, argued author Leonard David in American Scientist. Against the backdrop of a year of massive efforts by the (US) Congress and new funding for the Pentagon to investigate UFOs, the article outlines ways to overcome the challenges.

The first big challenge is the lack of conclusive photographic evidence of aliens and their machines.

Harvard University astrophysicist Avi Loeb told David for the article:

“A million blurry images are worthless compared to a single high-resolution video resolving an object as it maneuvers.”

A custom observatory, costing around $300,000, is expected to overcome this major problem. The observatory is capable of capturing continuous video of the night sky over Earth in the infrared, optical, and radio bands, as well as recording ambient sound. These data will be analyzed, some with artificial intelligence algorithms, before being released.

Loeb continued:

“We plan to build three copies of this system in the spring of 2023 and then place them in desired locations as we continue to test the first system at Harvard. In the next few years, we need funding at the level of tens of millions of dollars to get 100 of these systems to get enough UFO statistics.”

The observatory will further help overcome the second key challenge in UFO research: the lack of universal standards. Countless non-profit organizations and other organizations are dedicated to investigating these phenomena, but the lack of standards means that homogenized information is almost unavailable, preventing scientific advances and conclusive evidence in the field.

David argued that a fourth problem is the lack of whistleblowers. Quoting expert researcher Leslie Kean, David stated:
“The most important short-term progress on the issue will likely come from the Capitol, not from a science lab or smartphone app.”

While my personal opinion is that nothing positive ever comes out of Capitol Hill, Politics, or politicians in general, given the psychological dependency of many to believe nothing until the government confirms its authenticity, Kean and David have a small point here.

On the other hand, many government whistleblowers have come forward and almost all of them have been considered insane.

Kean noted, importantly, that “those who have signed UFO-related nondisclosure agreements are now free to release previously protected information to the AARO and Congress without fear of reprisal or prosecution.”

Finally, money is needed to fund further exploration of our own planet and our immediate place in the cosmos.

Robert Powell, a board member of the Scientific Coalition for UFO Studies, said:

“A solution to the UFO riddle will require Congress to allocate funds to the scientific community. It will not be easy. The Military has been investigating the phenomenon for 75 years. Where do we get to? We need a change”.

We need a change, but don’t forget that everything you have seen, experienced or known is just as important as any validation from politicians or the Military. The only thing that separates your lived experience from theirs is the title.


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