The public has been led to believe that UFOs do not exist. But they exist!

The public has been led to believe that UFOs do not exist. But they exist! RT (RT is a Russian state-controlled international news television network funded by the Russian government. It operates free and pay television channels aimed at audiences outside of Russia, as well as providing Internet content in Russian, English, Spanish, French, German and Arabic) talks to Ross Coulthart, author of a new book, ‘In Plain Sight’, which records a series of Mysterious UFO sightings around the world and details the extraordinary efforts of officials to deny or cover them up.

There has been an explosion of UFO initiatives in the last 12 months, including the formation of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research and the launch of Project Galileo. And then there was the groundbreaking Pentagon report, in which it admitted that there were incidents of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) that could not be explained.

However, a new book, ‘In Plain Sight’, by award-winning investigative journalist Ross Coulthart could be one of the most exciting developments yet. Coulthart doesn’t have a reputation to uphold in the UFO community, but he has long had a desire to address the big question: are we alone?

“I have always been intrigued by the subject, mainly because it has a great taboo. In journalism, there is a real stigma,” he said.

“I remember editors saying to me, ‘Ross, we don’t do UFO stories.’ He did a lot of stories related to national security and defense intelligence. I have spent much of the last 30 years covering wars, terrorist acts and all the misery of the world. And a lot of those contacts [that I made]… when I asked them about UFOs, they didn’t dismiss it [ie, the idea that they existed].”

Born in New Zealand, Coulthart was fascinated by the 1978 incident in which a cameraman captured images of an object flying alongside a plane over the South Island city of Kaikoura. Weeks later, the authorities attributed it to the planet Venus or a reflection of the fishing boats.

“As a 16-year-old boy, it sounded plausible to me, so I didn’t think much of it,” he admitted. But, in college, Coulthart secured the first scoop on him by tracking down those involved, who assured him that what they saw was a solid object.

He fast forward to the 90s and he established himself as a journalist and was working on the Australian investigative television show ‘Four Corners’. Following the conclusion of a day of filming at an air force base, the host invited the crew for a drink at the on-site bar. Coulthart recalled: “After a while, he leaned forward and said, ‘Can I ask you a question? Why does the media never publish stories about UFOs?“

I freely admit that I laughed and said, ‘Because they suck. And he said, ‘No, they’re not. I wish I could say who this guy was – he was a very, very important officer, one of the most important people in our military at the time.”

Hindered by mainstream media parameters, he managed to convince his bosses to do a UAP story in 2011, but it was only because they sent him to London to interview a rock star that he canceled and they were left with a hole. fill.

Coulthart investigated reports of a 1980 sighting near RAF Bentwaters air force base and tracked down Colonel Charles Halt, who claimed to have seen a flying object. He recalled: “We gave him half an hour to broadcast and he just went crazy. The public was very interested and, more importantly, what surprised us was the number of people who called and offered information.”

“They contacted me from all over Australia, saying they had seen a similar object. They were stunned that the media finally reported this story. The good thing for them, since we were not ridiculing it, we were treating the subject with respect.

‘In Plain Sight’ contains detailed analysis of many sightings, including Coulthart’s personal favorite of a man sitting on a deck chair at an open-air cinema in the South Australian desert when a cylindrical craft appeared. The moviegoer claimed that he could see light inside his windows.

Coulthart embarked on the book after going freelance and throwing off the shackles of disdainful publishers, and says the Pentagon’s recent admission that something is going on has been a positive development.

He explained: “Essentially, there is a single line that any Five Eyes nation [UK, US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia] parrots. If you ask, ‘Are UFOs real?’, they don’t answer the question. They say there are no national security concerns with UAPs and that they do not pose a threat to flight safety. But, in July of this year, everything changed drastically.

“Anyone can read that report. It says very, very clearly that UFOs are a threat to flight safety and that they are a possible threat to national security. It is a complete investment. No one in the Pentagon is explaining why they have done this, but I believe, and have been told, that it is because they realize that the Game is up. Eventually they have to confess what they know.”

In his book, Coulthart delves into the link between UFOs and nuclear facilities. ‘In Plain Sight’ begins with the 1991 story of a woman named Annie Farinaccio, who had been at a party at an American base in Australia’s remote North Western Cape. Two policemen offered her a ride back to the city and she has never forgotten what she saw while they were driving.

Said Coulthart: “Annie was sitting there petrified. She looked up through the windshield and screamed as there was a gigantic triangular ship with lights hovering right above it as they were driving at 100 km/h down this road.”

“In the blink of an eye, she climbed to 1,000 feet and then fell to the left side of the car. At that point, she’s begging [the police] to drop her off in the city, and then she instantly jumps 1,000 feet again and lands on the right side of the car.”

The base housed very low-frequency transmitters that, in the event of war, would send signals to US nuclear submarines. Annie was visited by US officials, taken back to the base, and told that she had seen a weather balloon, even though the craft didn’t look like one at all.

The book records another incident, in Russia, in which weapons in a nuclear silo had been Mysteriously assembled, ready to be launched, without any input from officials.

Said Coulthart: “They were in a panic. Intelligence seemed to be showing that whatever their security systems are, they can be breached. If it’s some kind of intelligence, it seems to be sending a message, it seems to be expressing something about the use or possible misuse of nuclear weapons.”

Also featured in the book is the story of teacher Andrew Greenwood, from Clayton South, a suburb of Melbourne. Along with his high school students, he saw a metallic disk appear in a cloudless sky.

Greenwood spoke to local media before being silenced. Said Coulthart: “This is where things get very sinister. Two weeks after the incident, there is a knock on the door of his private home. There, on the threshold, is a man in uniform, a senior officer, and the other gentleman is an officer of some sort, perhaps a police officer or intelligence officer, more likely.”

“Andrew is still angry about what they did. They threatened him outright and told him: ‘If you talk more about what he saw, we will make sure you lose your job; we will say that you drank as a teacher. Andrew has no reason to lie about this, and more importantly, what he says he saw is backed up by 167 witnesses, all on record, at last count. It is the most extraordinary case.”

Coulthart has unearthed further revelations, including suggestions of recovered non-human ships. Sources claim that the US and Russia have facilities in which it is stored, but Coulthart says that he is, in general, skeptical of such claims without having seen proof.

“That is the biggest problem I have. Governments have no choice but to keep secrets and I would have thought that if the United States government was sitting on secrets like that, then they would have leaked by now, and it hasn’t,” he said.

“But, when you look in the US government archives… that’s why I called my book ‘In Plain Sight.’ The evidence is there, plain to see. There are CIA files showing that he was working with the US Department of Defense to recover what the documents refer to as “flying saucers” from Nepal and Afghanistan.”

Along with the book, Coulthart has produced a UFO documentary and has received an encouraging level of support from media colleagues and the public alike. “The response has been amazing. Never in my career have I had a response like the one I had on this subject,” Coulthart explained.

“It has been overwhelming. I’m exhausted every day: I wake up and there are 300-500 emails, people telling me about their sightings, people offering me information. It is as if we have opened a wound and all reality is spilling out.

However, the main goal of the book is to get through the fog. According to Coulthart, it’s almost as if sections of the media don’t want to admit they’ve been asleep at the wheel.

He continued: “The media is failing here. The media is locked into the paradigm that the CIA and the US Air Force absurdly encouraged them to take into account in the 1960s.”

“The CIA decided to suppress UFO stories, I don’t know why, but it is claimed that it was because they were concerned that people reporting UFOs would get in the way of people giving early warning of an ICBM [intercontinental ballistic missile]. ] Russian. landing in the US. It’s an absurd argument that they wanted to prevent people from jamming the phones at NORAD [the North American Aerospace Defense Command] with sightings. It’s just ridiculous.”

For a man skilled in words, Coulthart concludes by describing this complex subject adequately and succinctly. While he has so far not been able to find out everything that governments and security agencies know about UFOs, he is clear why the subject has been considered a fool’s hobby. “We have been manipulated,” he said. “They have deceived us.”


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