Today we have an extraordinary story of an American sergeant and a curious priest who starred in a unique incident in the History of ufology: the famous “Norwood projector incident”, a case worth enjoying.
We take our time machine and Travel to Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, on August 19, 1949. It was the carnival of the small urban center of Norwood with 36,000 inhabitants at that time. The hubbub in the grounds of the church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul was quite great and there was a desire to have a good time after the hard years of the war. People were enjoying themselves, but the Reverend Gregory Miller didn’t think that was enough. He decided to purchase an eight million-candle super light projector to further energize the staff. There were funds and the army was willing to collaborate with the church.
No sooner said than done, Sergeant Donald R. Berger showed up to handle the size of a light monster and they stayed like that all night for the enjoyment of the staff, lighting up the sky. But something unexpected happened. When the carnivals were ending it turns out that the priest and the sergeant were stunned to discover a huge UFOstatic in the sky that covered no more and no less than 3000 meters in diameter and seemed to observe their activities. It was the first time he had seen something so big. People were shocked when he suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. It was a curious incident but it was not the last. Until March 10 of the following year they were making nocturnal observations of such a colossal object that were recorded in a small journal that today is the History of the phenomenon. Let’s look at the entries of Leonard H Stringfields, the editor of Orbit Magazine who published the entire journal in 1949:


Mythical photograph of the great Norwood UFO
“August 19, 1949. Place: Church of Saints Peter and Saint Paul, Norwood, Ohio 2:15 to 2:30 hours. While I was checking the projector for the festival, I detected an object at an elevation of 1585 thousandths. The object was fixed, appearing as a bright disk. The calculated distance was about 4 or 5 miles (7000-8000 meters high). The sky was clear with a light haze at high altitude. I did not take any action, but the next day articles about it appeared in two local newspapers.”
“September 11, 1949. Place: St. Gertrude Church, Madeira, Ohio. 7:15 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. Object detected at 5000-6000 meters, with elevation of the angle of inclination to 1620 thousandths. The object disappeared in a few seconds moving straight up. I detected it again at a much higher altitude. Then, when I was changing the coals, I lost it again until 9:15 p.m. As soon as he showed up I called Wright-Patterson Field. The sky was clear with no visible clouds or haze. Thousands of people also saw the object.”
“September 17, 1949. Location: Mildford, Ohio 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Checking the projector around twilight, I had set it to a 1600 mil tilt. I was able to see an object that was illuminated with a white glow. When I turned off the light I couldn’t see anything. As soon as it got dark I connected the light to the same elevation and captured the object again”.
“October 23, 1949. Place: Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Norwood 7:15 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. I turned on the light and detected the object at 1600 thousandths. Among those present were: William Winklen, Father Gregory Miller, Robert Linn (Cincinnati Post Editor-in-Chief), and Leo Hirtl (Post reporter). Reverend Miller and Linn telephoned Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and reported the object to the intelligence officer. At approximately 10:00 p.m., two groups of triangular-shaped objects appeared to emerge from the main disk. Each group had about five objects. They would go down the beam and then go around the beam. The same thing was repeated half an hour later approximately. The disk was still visible when I turned off the light for the night.”


Donald RBerger with the focus of the Norwood incident
“October 24, 1949. Place San Pedro and San Pablo 7:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Light set to 1600 mils. The object immediately appeared in the beam. I kept the object in the beam for about half an hour until it was covered by clouds.”
“November 19, 1949. Location: Norwood, Ohio. 6:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. At 7:15 p.m. the beam of light flashed on the object. Guide the light back to the object, it then immediately disappeared. About a minute later I detected him again with much greater intensity. The elevation was between 1605 and 1610 thousandths. Many witnesses, including William Winkler. The sky was covered with low broken clouds. Sometimes objects appeared much brighter.”
“December 20, 1949. Location: Norwood Ohio, 8:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. I turned on the light at 8:15 p.m. and detected the object immediately. At first it was dim and small. As the mist cleared the object brightened. Present were D.A.Wells (a physicist from the University of Cincinnati), two members of the OSI, Father Miller, the mayor of Norwood (R.Ed.Tepe) and Reginald Meyers.”
“January 11, 1950. Location Norwood, Ohio 7:30 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. I turned on the light but did not find the object until about 7:45 p.m. when the haze cleared. Observed for about 15 minutes, very clearly, then dimmed. It came to my attention that some minor objects were passing through the beam. I saw the last two objects several times. Also present were William Winkler, and Air National Guard Master Sergeant R Ekleberry, Master Sergeant John Savage, and Air National Guard Sergeant W. Piluerg.”
“March 9, 1950. Location: Norwood, Ohio 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. At about 8:00 p.m. I detected the object with the light. At approximately 8:45 p.m. two small objects came out of the disk and it appeared as if the disk came out of the beam. In approximately 10 minutes, the disk moved back into the beam. The sky was clear. There were 11 people present.”
“March 10, 1950. Location: Norwood, Ohio 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. I picked up the object in the beam at 1600 mils. At 7:45 p.m. the object moved upwards and disappeared through the beam. Half an hour later the object reappeared in the beam in the same position. The object stayed in the beam until I turned off the light for the night. Present were Father Miller, Captain Wilks, R. Meyers, W. Winkler, and others. Captain Wilks called Wright-Patterson Field. Captain Wilks watched the object through binoculars while I moved the light.”
As we see a series of incredible observations, with notices to the United States Military, with different witnesses, on different days and with a series of significant events such as the appearance of smaller lights. The most incredible thing was without a doubt the size. 3000 meters, 3 kilometers in diameter, practically a mothership, (mothership in English) like the one that could be observed in the famous incident at Manchester airport in 1995.


This is a current recreation of what the Manchester UFO would have looked like according to eyewitnesses, in a case that we will address in future articles.



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