Massachusetts to ban purchase of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies

Gov. Maura Healey signed an executive order Thursday that she says will make Massachusetts the first state to ban the purchase of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies

BOSTON -- Gov. Maura Healey signed an executive order Thursday that she says will make Massachusetts the first state to ban the purchase of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies.

Massachusetts buys about 100,000 of the plastic water bottles each year.

The order bars all executive offices and agencies in Massachusetts from purchasing any single-use plastic bottles under 21 fluid ounces except in cases of emergency. Healey, a Democrat, said the executive order takes effect immediately.

Healey also signed a second executive order that she said will set state biodiversity conservation goals for 2030, 2040, and 2050 — and develop strategies to meet those targets. She said protections will be among the first to extend to coastal and marine habitats.

“Massachusetts has a long history of being first in the nation, and we’re proud to be the first to set long-term targets for biodiversity and to ban state agencies from purchasing single-use plastic bottles,” Healey said Thursday.

She said the state will be looking at strategies such as “marine protected areas” to help make sure that coastal and ocean habitats critical to biodiversity can recover and thrive while also ensuring the state helps maintains a climate-resilient landscape for the future.

Christy Leavitt, campaign director at the conservation group Oceana, said other states and the federal government should follow the state's lead.

"Single-use plastics are polluting our oceans, devastating ecosystems, and harming our climate. The only solution is to stop the problem at its source by reducing the amount of plastic companies produce and use," Leavitt said in a written statement.


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